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Milwaukee craft brewery utilizes Draught Guard to minimize cleaning costs and time, reduce wastage, and ensure their craft tastes just as it should on tap.

Validation Phase of Draught Guard

Beginning in the summer of 2018, Draught Guard set out to run a series of data collection pilots to demonstrate and prove the effectiveness of the Draught Guard technology in maintaining draught line cleanliness. Each pilot lasted at least eight weeks and began with a regular, Brewers Association recommended chemical clean. For the remainder of the pilot, the selected lines were only treated with Draught Guard and had zero chemicals run through them. Regular faucet and coupler maintenance continued throughout the pilot, as Draught Guard's main focus is the beer line itself and makes no claims of maintaining faucets and couplers. Line cleanliness was monitored via ATP and dip slide testing. Measurements were taken every two weeks.

Pilot Overview

Located in Milwaukee's Historic Walker's Point, Broken Bat Brewing Co. is a baseball themed brewery and tap room. The tap room exclusively features Broken Bat's craft beer, all brewed with a tip to America's favorite past time. A lean operation at heart, the team at Broken Bat implemented Draught Guard to minimize the time and costs associated with weekly line cleaning, reduce beer wastage and increase profits, and ensure the highest quality of tap beer.



Number of lines

Average length of line

Tim and Dan.jpeg

"Before we installed Draught Guard, we were cleaning our lines every 7-10 days depending on the weather. A tedious process and wasteful one at that, Draught Guard has lowered our beer waste, our manual labor, and our blood pressure. When the beer samples were taken after a manual cleaning and compared to the same lines, untouched, 8 weeks later, the results were staggering. Clean lines, gorgeous beers being poured, and almost 20 pints of beer PER LINE saved, we were very happy campers. I would recommend Draught Guard to any establishment that pours draught beers, and especially breweries since beer is what we do!"

Tim Pauly and Dan McElwee, Co-Founders and Brewmaster

ATP Results

ATP testing was utilized to compare Draught Guard treated lines over an extended period of time to the BA recommended two-week caustic cleaning cycle. After eight weeks with no chemicals run through the system, Draught Guard treated lines measured 46% fewer ATP counts compared to lines flushed with caustic every two weeks. Regular two-week faucet and coupler maintenance is still recommended and encouraged.




4 Months

10 Weeks

Improvement in draught line cleanliness with Draught Guard

Annual savings in beer wastage and cleaning costs

Rapid ROI

Line cleanings extended from every week to every 10 weeks

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